Are You Brave? 7-Year-Old Chloe Applies to Google

Hesitant about applying for your desired job? Draw inspiration from 7-year-old Chloe’s courage and leap!

Chloe Bridgewater, a young 7-year-old, penned a letter to the “Google Boss” expressing her desire to work at Google, demonstrating that passion and courage can outweigh age and experience in job pursuit. Her captivating letter showcases her self-awareness and aspirations, including her goals to participate in the Olympics and excel in spelling and reading.

Are You Brave? 7-Year-Old Chloe Applies to Google – Overview

Curious about how Chloe came to apply for a job at Google? Intrigued by her daughter’s passion for robots and technology, Andy Bridgewater, Chloe’s father, recommended Google for its cutting-edge work and exceptional workplace culture. Upon learning about Google’s unique perks, such as bean bag seating, slides, and go-karts, Chloe decided that working at Google would be a perfect fit for her interests.

In an astonishing turn of events, Chloe received a reply from Sundar Pichai, the “Google Boss,” who commended her determination and urged her to continue working hard and pursuing her dreams. Although not currently eligible for employment due to her age, Chloe was advised to reapply upon completing her studies. This remarkable achievement highlights Chloe’s courage and ambition.

Andy, Chloe’s father, decided to share the inspiring letter on LinkedIn, highlighting its positive impact on her self-assurance. As a result, Chloe has redoubled her efforts in her quest to secure a job at Google, fueled by this motivating experience.

Chloe’s actions serve as an inspiring lesson for us all. Rather than dwelling on her limitations, she proactively showcased her abilities and aspirations in her letter. By emphasizing her determination to secure a job at Google with her tablet, Chloe’s letter underscores the importance of courage and pursuing our desires, regardless of our backgrounds or qualifications. So, are you brave enough to follow your heart and strive for what truly matters to you?


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