Top Android Apps of 2013

Android Apps 2013

Android apps have mushroomed and ballooned in popularity over the past year, but there are some apps that truly stood out in terms of functionality and other whatnot. For 2013, here is a list of apps that have truly been helpful for our daily lives over the course of the year.


First up, Gmail. Google’s take on the Email app had been a great companion throughout the year. It has become an essential not just for work related stuff, but also for the daily life. The great thing about this app is that it is not just about e-mails. Rather, Gmail provides users with an option to input their contacts as well as update and save the Calendar. It is truly an all-around kind of application, and for that, Gmail would easily be on top of the list when it comes to an Email app.

Android Apps 2013




Google Search

Another Google app that is a definite must have for any device is the Google Search app. This has recently been integrated on the launcher of Nexus 5, further highlighting the increasing importance and popularity of the app (and the developer). It provides you instant, up to date information regarding the weather or the stock market or the traffic – and any other thing that you want it to provide. It still has its own limitations, but with the constant updates from Google, these will no doubt be addressed sooner than later.





Foursquare is a really helpful app especially when you travel. While Facebook and Google have been trying to enter the market that Foursquare is at, there is no denying that Foursquare is still the leading for the “check in” apps. It is like a centralized system for the locations that you have been to that allows you to share what you want into various social networking sites. The app also provides you recommendations on good places that you should check out.





For all the coffee lovers – and for anyone else. Everyone knows Starbucks and has tried it at least once, but for the regulars, the Starbucks app is handy to have so that you no longer have to deal with the hassle of using a debit card or a credit card to pay. Starbucks has found a way to improve customer experience by letting customers pay through this mobile app.





OneBusAway is a very functional app especially for commuters. It provides spot on information to easily navigate trains, ferries, and busses in Seattle. It is a very reliable app to have.




MLS Matchday

For the fans of Major League Soccer, MLS Matchday provides important updates even before the season starts. It also provides the user with information on live scores, full game highlights, as well as league news.





Press is a news reader that supports various apps like Google Reader and Feedly. It helps you keep updated on the latest news in your area and around the globe, and it also gives you an option to follow certain blogs.




Words with Friends

Words with Friends is a game that lets you think and bring out your competitive side. It can be downloaded for free, but if you want to get rid of the ads completely, you just have to pay a small amount of $3.




Which among those mentioned do you have on your personal list of top apps?

Do you have anything to recommend?

Share it with the rest of the community through the comments section!




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